Tips about suits and shoes colour combination for men

One of the most recurring doubts we encounter is about how to match shoes with suit and pants tone for men. And it is logical, in the end, we want our purchase to be very versatile and that our investment does not become a museum piece in our closet.
On the one hand, one of the most controversial and amusing topics is to see how the lists of friendly and enemy colours evolve. We have witnessed heated speeches for and against combining black and blue, as well as brown and burgundy. And we have been able to see defenders or enemies of this combination at any cost, wearing them proudly for a few seasons.
Color, Tone and condition
And the reality is that they were right before and after. If you think they don’t match, you can’t see them together. As much as all the chromatic wheels are in favour. On the other hand, even the traditionally closest colours do not work if one of the garments is already worn or if the shoes are not in perfect condition. From our point of view, it is much more important that the garments are worn gracefully and well cared for than that they comply with the rules of the current fashion magazine.
Besides, the tone is critical. It is not the same an electric blue or a light blue as a navy blue. In the end, the dark colours are all very close in the shade to each other. And it is effortless to combine them because each one brings a small nuance, very close to the general tone of the rest of the garments.
That said, we can assure you that for all the men there are more colours than black regarding shoes. Brown, burgundy and blue would be options as universal or more than black. And if also, they are in shades close to matching (all light to all light, all dark to all dark), then practically all four are universal colours.
Two-tone Oxford shoes combination
In our collection, another ubiquitous question is about bicolour Oxford. And yes, they can be easily combined, even from the most classic canons. Two contrasting, contrasting shades allow the rest of the garment to choose one, the other or, finally, the sum of the two. For example for our Oxford Holmes Black and White. The shirt could be white. It’s already combined. And the rest doesn’t have to be black. The pants can be in an infinite sea of grey or cold tones. And you look perfect in your two-tone colours. Another option would be to do the opposite, for example. Go utterly monochrome in grey and that the only colour shade is the shoes. The contrast is exquisite.
From our point of view, we like the colour and the total freedom to combine them. Only for the more traditional and in a work context, earthy and light tones can be more difficult. But the truth is that wearing beige in the office is not common. (At least, for the moment)
For ease of use, a chart about how to match shoes with suit and pants tone for men is attached. And in case of doubt, dare and combine it.